OpenKMI Code
There are many commercial and free software packages for tracer kinetic modeling. The NMMITools website by SNMMI PIDSC provides a comprehensive list.
The OpenKMI welcomes and encourages more open-source codes to be shared in the field to accelerate kinetic modeling research and training and to promote reproducible sciences.
Several open-source image reconstruction packages, e.g., STIR and CASToR, are commonly written in C/C++ and include a basic kinetic modeling module for post-reconstruction parametric imaging or for parametric image reconstruction. C/C++ codes can generally be very efficient for the development of large-scale voxel-wise kinetic modeling, for example, for total-body PET parametric imaging.
One of the ongoing efforts of the initiative, ShareKMAP, is to make a set of in-house C/C++ source codes (and their MATLAB wrappers) for kinetic modeling and parametric imaging open to parametric imaging developers. This effort is also aimed to include total-body kinetic modeling developments and interfaces to be integrated with existing open-source reconstruction platforms.
Other Initiatives:
In addition to tracer kinetic modeling, an initiative is being made by the ENHANCE (Enabling New Horizons for Advanced Networking, Code-sharing, and Education in Total-Body PET Imaging) team to open-source more software tools for total-body PET imaging.